As amended January 30, 2007
(Amendments in italics)
Article I – Name of the Organization
1) The Name of the Organization shall be The Friends of One Mile Creek (hereinafter referred to as FOMC).
Article II – Objectives
1) The objectives of the FOMC shall be to, “Collaborate with the community and relevant governments and agencies to work efficiently towards restoring and revitalizing the water, wildlife and natural environment of the One Mile Creek watershed “.
Article III – Membership
1) Any person willing to support the objectives of the FOMC may become a member on the completion of an application form and the payment of the annual dues. Each new member will receive a membership card.
2) Any member in good standing is eligible to stand for office in the FOMC.
Article IV – Officers
1) The Officers of the FOMC shall be: the Immediate Past President, the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Secretary and a Member-at-Large. If there are insufficient candidates to stand for all the vacancies on the Executive, a candidate may assume two roles to ensure that the responsibilities assigned to the Executive are carried out.
Article V – Executive
1) An Executive Committee consisting of: the Immediate Past President, the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Secretary, a Member-at-Large and the Chairs of the Standing Committees shall carry out the management, administration and business affairs of The Friends of One Mile Creek.
2) All members of the Executive Committee will be elected for a one-year term except for the immediate Past President who will assume their seat on the Executive on completion of their term as President.
3) No person except the immediate Past President shall serve continuously on the Executive for more than three (3) years in the same office.
4) If any position on the Executive becomes vacant, the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint any member to fill the vacancy until the next scheduled general election.
5) Meetings of the Executive shall be held on a regular basis on prescheduled dates and on other occasions as necessary. The Quorum of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of the members present.
Article VI – Finance
1) The fiscal year of the FOMC shall begin on the first day of January and end on the 31st day of the following December.
2) The Signing Officers of the FOMC shall be the President, the Vice President, the Treasurer, the Member-at-Large and the Chairs of the Standing Committees.
3) All cheques or other orders for the payment of money issued in the name of the FOMC shall be signed by two of the Signing Officers.
4) All funds acquired by the FOMC shall be deposited in a chequing account in a financial institution selected by the Executive Committee and used to further the objectives of the FOMC.
5) With the approval of two Signing Officers, any Member may be reimbursed for any reasonable expenses incurred on behalf of the FOMC in connection with the performance of duties.
6) At least sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Meeting, the Treasurer shall recommend a qualified person, to be approved by the Committee, to conduct a “Compilation” of the Financial Statements of the FOMC for the fiscal year immediately ended. This appointment shall end thirty (30) days after the Annual Meeting.
7) The approved person’s report and the Financial Statements for the fiscal year shall be presented to the Members at the Annual Meeting. A copy of this report and the Financial Statements shall be delivered to the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority.
Article VII – Fees and Dues
1) The Executive Committee shall determine the amount of the annual Membership Fee.
2) The Membership Year shall begin on the first day of January and end on the 31st day of the following December.
3) The Annual Dues for renewal of membership shall be due and payable the second day of January.
4) To remain a Member in good standing the Annual Dues must be paid by March 31.
Article VIII – Meetings
1) The Annual Meeting of the FOMC shall be held during the month of May of each year, on a date and at a time and place determined by the Executive Committee.
2) Written notice of the Annual Meeting together with a proxy form shall be mailed/e-mailed by the Secretary to the last recorded address of each Member of the FOMC not less than fourteen (14) days nor more than twenty-eight (28) days prior to the date of the meeting.
3) A Special Meeting of the FOMC may be held on the initiative of the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. A Special Meeting may also be called by the Secretary/Treasurer upon receipt of either a written request of a majority of the Executive Committee, or a written request signed by not less than ten (10) percent of the Membership. Such a meeting shall be held within twenty-eight (28) days following the receipt of the written request.
4) Written notice of a Special Meeting shall be mailed/emailed by the Secretary /Treasurer to the last recorded address of each Member not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of such meeting. This notice shall specify the purpose, the date, time and place of such meeting, as determined by the Executive Committee.
5) At an Annual or a Special Meeting of the FOMC, the Quorum required is twenty-five (25) percent of the Members in good standing, either attending in person or represented by proxy. Failing this the meeting shall be adjourned to a later date. Written notice of the date and the place of the deferred meeting shall be forwarded to each Member in good standing of the FOMC, not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. Should a Quorum not be present at the deferred meeting, then those Members in attendance in person or represented by proxy shall constitute a Quorum.
Article IX – Voting
1) Only Members in good standing (as described in Article VII) 14 days prior to any Annual or Special Meeting shall be entitled to vote in person or by proxy and shall be entitled to one vote on each motion.
2) Voting shall normally be by a show of hands but, upon the request of any Member, the vote upon any motion shall be by secret ballot.
3) All matters put to a vote shall be decided by a majority vote of the Members present and the proxies submitted in advance. A tie vote shall be decided by the vote of the President.
Article X – Standing and Special Committees
1) The Executive Committee may establish Special Committees as may be deemed necessary. The President shall appoint the chairs of these committees from within the Executive Committee or the Membership. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all Special Committees.
2) A Special Committee will automatically be disbanded on completion of its mandate and submission of its final report to the Executive Committee and/or the Membership.
3) For specific disciplines, functions or events that are ongoing, the Executive may strike a committee for each discipline, function or event with an elected Chair who will serve as a member of the Executive. If such a Committee is struck between Annual General Meetings the Executive shall appoint a Chair who, if continuing in the position for the next year will stand for election at the next General Meeting. Standing Committees of the Executive may be created or dissolved by the Executive as required.
Article XI – Elections
1) The Secretary shall preside over that part of the Annual Meeting dealing with the election of the members of the Executive Committee.
2) When a vote by ballot is required, the Chair of the Annual Meeting shall appoint two (2) Members, who are attending the meeting and are not candidates for election, to act as Scrutineers.
Article XII – Rules of Order at Meetings
1) Matters of procedure not specifically provided for in these by-laws shall be decided in accordance with procedures set out in the latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order.
Article XIII – Amendments to the By-Laws
1) Any proposed amendments to the By-laws shall be prepared and presented to the Executive Committee and approved by the Membership.
2) By-laws may be amended or repealed at an Annual Meeting or at a Special Meeting of the FOMC by an affirmative note of a majority of the Members attending (in person or by proxy), provided that the proposed action is included in the notice of the meeting.
3) Not less than fourteen (14) days prior to an Annual Meeting, or any Special Meeting of the FOMC at which the amendments are to be presented, a copy of such amendments must be sent by mail/email to every Member.