Local media perform a vital role in raising awareness about the condition of One Mile Creek and the efforts of citizens and agencies to make improvements.
These are some of the news articles about Friends of One Mile Creek that have been reported in local media. (Most recent first.)
Friends of One Mile Creek do a thorough clean-up

August 14, 2021
Volunteers gathered at the corner of King and John Streets on August 14 to perform some maintenance on the area planted in October 2020 with 450 native trees and shrubs. This was the first time we had weeded the area since the planting. Invasive weeds and aggressive grasses needed to be removed to give the native plantings a chance to get established.
Read the article by Mike Balsom in NOTL Local at notllocal.com.
NPCA partnership with local NOTL group helps restore One Mile Creek

Feb. 16, 2021
The partnership between Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) and the Friends of One Mile Creek (FOMC) focuses on the restoration and revitalization of a creek that runs through the Old Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake.
Read the article by Satbir Singh on the group in the Niagara on the Lake Advance of Feb. 16, 2021.
Friends of One Mile Creek restoring tree canopy

Nov. 5, 2020
Native plants have benefited from the cool weather and several soaking rains since they were planted by 50 volunteers.
One Mile Creek friends seek support

June 19, 2019
In June 2019 Friends of One Mile Creek held its first public meeting in more than five years. More than 40 people from Old Town, Virgil, St. Davids, Queenston and other Niagara communities gathered at the Community Centre to hear speakers talk about past conservation projects in NOTL and opportunities for natural restoration.
NOTL Local reported on the meeting on notllocal.com
Friends of One Mile Creek, a local investigation

Dec. 18, 2018
Reader submission by Michael Fox on NiagaraNow.com
Google employees help with pollinator gardens

July 15, 2018
About 50 employees of Google Doubleclick, the internet giant’s advertising management division, teamed with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) to tend to the pollinator garden created at the William Street Park in 2013, as part of a collaboration between the Friends of One Mile Creek (FOMC) and the NPCA. Read article by Richard Hutton in Niagara This Week.
Pollinator garden planted at John & King

Oct. 5, 2016
In a joint effort, Niagara-on-the-Lake’s Communities in Bloom committee, the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority and Friends of One Mile Creek worked together to plant a new pollinator garden at the corner of John Street and King Street in September 2016.
Read article by Scott Rosts in Niagara This Week.
Signs highlight restoration work

Nov. 20, 2013
In 2013, white rectangular interpretive signs were placed prominently along the One Mile Creek area, near Lansdowne Pond, at a private landowner’s property on Nassau Street and in Williams Park to draw attention to the restoration work that’s been completed over the first 10 years of FOMC.
Read the article by Melinda Cheevers in Niagara This Week.
10th anniversary at William Street Park

June 14, 2013
The 10th anniversary of FOMC was chronicled by Melinda Cheevers of Niagara This Week. Read her article.
Friends of One Mile Creek go native
May 27, 2010

Stewardship Guide released
Oct. 1, 2009

Watershed study explained to public
March 19, 2005

Old-time memories of the creek
February 19, 2005

Clean-up efforts recognized with award
December 11, 2004

Great Lakes clean up begins with backyard creeks
September 20, 2003