The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) is developing a new strategic plan and invites people to register for a virtual public meeting at 6:30 pm, Thuesday, August 19. The plan is intended to cover the next 10 years of conservation in the Niagara watershed. You can register online or get more info on the NPCA website.

NPCA says a team of staff from various departments are leading the development of the new strategic plan to come up with a “shared vision” with direction from the NPCA Board of Directors and Public Advisory Committee.
The NPCA aimed to provide various opportunities for involvement from the watershed community throughout the strategic planning process. Earlier this year, a survey on its website gathered input from the public about the draft proposed strategic priorities and example goals toward a shared vision. Results of the outreach campaign show that 917,000 people were reached and 501 people completed the survey. Staff reviewed the feedback received, made adjustments to the proposed strategic priorities and have developed the key components of the draft strategic plan.
In the August 19 session, NPCA staff will share what was heard and seek additional feedback on the key components of the draft strategic plan before it is presented to the Board of Directors this fall.
Here is a summary provided by the NPCA of its spring 2021 consultation.